Digital.Me Device Ontology

OSCAF Recommendation 28.08.2013
Latest Version:
This Version:
This file refers to the Revision 1.0 of DDO. Minor changes may be implemented in future revisions. With each new revision, the documentation and all serializations of the ontology will be updated. The URI identifying this version (but not the namespace) is
Simon Scerri, DERI,
Ismael Rivera, DERI,
Simon Scerri, DERI,
XML/RDFS Serialization: DDO (Data Graph Only)
XML/RDFS Serialization: DDO (Metadata Graph Only)
TriG Serialization: DDO (Graph Set)


These specifications introduce the DDO Ontology and its vocabulary.

Status of this document

This document arose from the work done in the project.

Ontology Visualisation

Ontology description

Personal Information streams in from multiple devices, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, etc., belonging to a user or other agents. In order to shift to a more ubiquitous setting, it is required to support representations of multiple devices, each serving as an information source and end-point. The DDO provides vocabulary for this purpose, and is integrated with other OSCAF ontologies.


Ontology Classes Description


Superclasses ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:Network, ddo:PersonalAreaNetwork, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: ddo:sourceDevice
In range of: --
Description Bluetooth networks refer to personal area networks created between computerised devices in order to exchange data over short distances.


Superclasses ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses x:G, ddo:GSM
In domain of: ddo:carrierID, ddo:cellID
In range of: --
Description A cell-based radio network that enables mobile telephony.


Superclasses ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses ddo:Bluetooth, ddo:Ethernet, ddo:LocalAreaNetwork, ddo:PersonalAreaNetwork, ddo:WiFi
In domain of: ddo:accessPointID, ddo:ipAddress, ddo:macAddress
In range of: --
Description A communication channel that enables the interconnection and sharing of resources and information between a collection of hardware components and computers.


Superclasses nie:DataSource, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: ddo:deviceIdentifier, ddo:deviceName, ddo:knownNetwork
In range of: ddo:owns, ddo:sourceDevice
Description A computerised device or gadget containing digital information, e.g. desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Subclass of nie:DataSource, as a source of personal information.


Superclasses ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:LocalAreaNetwork, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A wired local area network enabling computerised devices to exchange streams of data.


Superclasses ddo:CellularNetwork, x:G, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses x:G
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description 3rd generation mobile telecommunications (3G) is a third generation of standards for digital cellular networks.


Superclasses ddo:CellularNetwork, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a second generation (2G) of standards for digital cellular networks.


Superclasses ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses ddo:Ethernet, ddo:WiFi
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A Local Area Network (LAN) is a private computer network that enables communication among computerised devices in a limited area.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses ddo:Bluetooth, ddo:CellularNetwork, ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:Ethernet, x:G, ddo:GSM, ddo:LocalAreaNetwork, ddo:PersonalAreaNetwork, ddo:WiFi
In domain of: dcon:connected, ddo:isSecure, ddo:networkID, dcon:networkSpeed, dcon:signal
In range of: dcon:connection, ddo:knownNetwork
Description A telecommunications network, connecting a collection of terminals, links and nodes which connect together to enable telecommunication between terminal users. Includes wired and wireless computer networks and cellular networks.


Superclasses ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses ddo:Bluetooth
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network that enables intrapersonal communication amongst personal computerised devices. PANs can also be used to connect to a higher level network (including the Internet).


Superclasses ddo:ComputerNetwork, ddo:LocalAreaNetwork, ddo:Network, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A wireless local area network that allows computerised devices to exchange data wirelessly. Devices can connect to a wireless network via a wireless network access point.

Ontology Properties Description


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:ComputerNetwork
Range --
Superproperties ddo:networkID
Subproperties --
Description Attaches a human-readable name to a computer network.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:CellularNetwork
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Attaches a human-readable name to a cellular network.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:CellularNetwork
Range --
Superproperties ddo:networkID
Subproperties --
Description Identifies the known cells (tower) that is, or has, enabled a specific cellular network.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Device
Range xsd:string
Superproperties nao:identifier
Subproperties --
Description Represents the internal identifier for a device.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Device
Range xsd:string
Superproperties nao:identifier, nao:personalIdentifier
Subproperties --
Description Represents a person-defined name for a device.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:ComputerNetwork
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Defines the known IP address for a computer network.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Network
Range xsd:boolean
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description States whether the network is secure (requires some form of authentication) or otherwise.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Device
Range ddo:Network
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Establishes a relationship between networks that have at some point in time (past or present) been either connected or in range of a device.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:ComputerNetwork
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Defines the known mac address for a computer network.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Network
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties ddo:accessPointID, ddo:cellID
Description Attaches a name to a network. Use ddo:accessPointID and ddo:cellID for more specific identification.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain pimo:Person
Range ddo:Device
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Defines an ownership relationship between a person and a computerised device.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain ddo:Bluetooth
Range ddo:Device
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Identifies the device that is, or has, enabled a specific Bluetooth network.